12 Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life

Most of us get so caught up in the mundane that we never really explore the endless possibilities life has to offer. But there are certain experiences everyone needs in their lives that makes them evolve as a person. Here, we talk about 12 things every man needs to experience before dying.

1. Living In A Strange Country

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Setting off on new paths that lead you to unknown, strange locations where nobody knows you is life changing. Figuring out life, all alone, is something not everyone gets to experience. Do it while you can, and discover your true self.

2. A Heartbreak

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Heartbreaks may be devastating but they always teach you a thing or two. Life moves on, and there’s no better of way of realising it than getting your heart broken.

3. A Solo Trip

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Pack your bags and head out on a journey without any company, without the surety of having someone around. The idea may seem scary, but trust us you’ll discover a new side to your personality!

4. Companionship Of A Dog

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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One who hasn’t loved a dog and been loved back hasn’t experienced unconditional love. It is one of the rarest, purest, most unique bond you will ever make in your entire life.

5. Getting Drunk Out Of Your Wits

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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It is good to be a responsible drinker, but every once in a while, you should loosen up! Drunken nights where you do things you don’t remember the next day always make for great stories. Not being your usual self, being totally out of control is something worth experiencing at least once in life!

6. A Road Trip

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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At least one road trip before you hit your thirties is a must. It is a completely different experience from the regular destination vacations you’ve been going on your entire life. So, hop in to your car and set out on a life-altering journey with your best buds!

7. Living Alone

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Nothing makes you wiser than being on your own, completely. While you’re young, move out, even if for a while and live on your own. It’ll make a man out of you.

8. Being The Best At What You Do

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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We’re all average in most things we do. And, we die being ‘the average man’. At least once in your life, feel the high of being ‘the best one’, even if for a moment. Take up a job you really, really love and conquer the world. No matter how small the skill may be, it will make you feel ‘on top of the world’.

9. Failure

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Yes, fail at least once. Failure is as life-changing as success, probably even more. Don’t be afraid to lose. Failure will only make you stronger. Until you know failure, you won’t know be able to appreciate success. Those who hit rock bottom and make their way up make legends.

10. Being Fearless

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Every man needs to know how liberating it is to make his own rules instead of mindlessly conforming to conventions. For once, be who you really are, free from all obligations. Be fearless. Say what you mean, do what you feel like. At least once, you should know what it feels like to not have any fears at all.

11. Being Completely In Touch With Nature

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Spend some time in a totally natural surrounding, with no traces of technology or urban life. Test yourself out one day in the woods and see if you can survive. Look around, observe. Take a plunge into the vast greens of the forest, deep azures of the sea, endless skies. Not only will you realize how tiny you are in the whole universe, you will discover your soul!

12. Conquering Your Fear

Things Every Man Must Experience At Least Once In Life
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Every one needs to know fear, and more importantly, what it feels like to conquer it. You must do at least one thing that scares you out of your wits and see yourself emerging stronger. Conquer your fear. Evolve.


What is your true self?
It is the you that exists at your highest excitement. It is the you that follows your passions at the height of your awareness. Your truest self is as aware as you can possibly be; you see what needs to be done in your immediate environment, in your life, relationships, everything and you do it to the best of your ability.
Becoming the most of ourselves is a life long process of learning, growing, understanding and flowing. The mistakes we make show us the solutions we can create. When we grow from the lessons we learn, we shift closer to our most real selves.

1. You are conscious of your actions.

Actions speak louder than words, and the actions we take define what we want.
When we take into consideration everyone’s needs, our actions shift into what benefits everyone. Simple actions like making food for everyone, not just yourself when you’re hungry, is thinking consciously.
It’s knowing when to leave someone be, when to listen instead of speak and when to wait instead of acting.
When this is practiced more and more you become more sensitive to how people are feeling and what they need. Reading the energy of the moment is crucial in knowing what actions to take. See how people respond to what you say, see how your actions effect them and navigate the best way to interact with them. As your consciousness increases, so does your sensitivity to everything.

2. Your sensitivity heightens.

When we truly see and feel how everything is intimately connected – we become very sensitive both mentally and emotionally. When we feel how deeply we effect each other, then we become careful in our interactions. The things you say will always be interpreted and filtered through the mind of the listener.
Being as clear, direct and transparent as possible helps immensely with sensitivity. Everything is out in the open, there are no lingering vibes or awkward feelings when everyone understands one another.
When you are in sync with your friends, or in our case, a group of passionate people who formed a family, you can tap into how one another feel without even asking.
This can relate to the chakras and the physical points on our body. If you’re feeling a tension in your sacral that seemingly came out of no where, ask yourself if this feeling is stemming from you. If you feel it’s an external force, communicate with your partner to see if their emotional energy is bleeding over onto you. I
f your solar plexus is tense in moments of communication, it can be a feeling of powerlessness. Only you can navigate your emotional system, so listen to your body and see where you’re being pushed and pulled to energetically. 

3. You are transparent. 

When you are doing your best at all times, trying your hardest with a clear vision of what you need to do; then you have nothing to hide. There’s no need to be sneaky, hide your feelings or placate everyone when you are living transparently.
Your actions are clear, and when they line up with what you say, then you act as a trustworthy, conscious leader that people can rely on.
When you are engaging in communication and you are being as open, vulnerable and real as possible, then you are acting as your true self.
There is no need to worry about what people will think about you or if you’ll upset them when you are speaking from a space of love. That means knowing how everyone feels and knowing what the best thing to say is – and the best thing to say is always a truth.

A Walk In The Woods Test – Relational Psychology Test

This is what they call a relational psychology test. The answers to these questions indicate relevance to values that you hold in your personal lives. Let’s get to it! Picture yourself walking through a beautiful forest. The sun is out, there’s a perfect breeze. It’s just beautiful.

Who are you walking with?

As you continue on in your walk through the forest, you come across an animal.

What kind of animal is it?

You come up to the animal.

What does the animal do?

You’re walking deeper into the woods yet, and you come to a clearing. There’s a house in the middle of the clearing.

How big is it? Is it fenced in or no?

You walk up to the door of the home and it’s open a bit. You enter and see a table.

Describe what’s on the table.

You finish looking around the house and leave out the back door. There’s a huge lawn and in the center is a garden. In the garden, you find a cup.

What is the cup made out of? What do you do with the cup?

As you walk to the end of the garden, you find yourself at a body of water.

What kind of body of water is it? A lake? River? Pond?

You must cross this water in order to get home.

How wet do you get?

Ready for some answers?

The person you were walking with is the most important person in your life.
The size of the animal you come across is a representation of the size of your problems.
If your action was more severe, it means you tend to be more aggressive. If it was peaceful, then more passive.
The size of your home is representative of the size of your ambition.
If there was no fence around the home, it means you tend to be more open.
If what you saw on the table wasn’t food, people, or flowers, it indicates some unhappiness.
How durable the cup you found was is representative of how strong your relationship is with the person in the first part of the story. What you do with it is representative of your attitude toward them.
The size of the body of water is related to the size of your sexual drive.
If you became very wet, it indicates that sex is important to you. If not very wet, it may mean it’s less important.


9 Signs You’re Wasting Your Life But Can’t Admit It

We all waste time, it’s true. Wasting time can be a sort of therapy for a hectic life. But how do we know if we’re wasting our lives? It’s a subtle thing to be sure. You’re doing what you normally do, but is it really living the full life you want? Here are some signs that might help you admit that you’ve been wasting your life. How do I know? Because I’ve been through each of them myself.

1. You waste time doing things you shouldn’t be.

You’ve had a long day at work. You get home, kick your shoes off, start dinner, and just want to unwind. What do you do from here? Turn on some TV? Maybe play some video games? Cool! But where are you three hours later? Are you still parked in front of the TV? Controller still in your hand? Dinner crusting itself onto plates in the sink? Yeah, I’ve been there before. But you know what I realized over time? There’s a big world out there ready for me to experience it.
When I decided to stop wasting so much time on things I shouldn’t be wasting time on, I discovered new hiking trails, found new bars, made new friends, found the love of my life, and I haven’t looked back at my old life since. But you know the best part? If I don’t feel like going out and being the best person I can be, I can still kick back and watch some television if I want. Because I’m an adult and I run my own life, dammit.

2. You complain a lot.

Ah the complaints. Work sucks. Traffic sucks. My head hurts. I don’t know what to eat. Gossip gossip gossip. Complaining about everything is a pretty strong sign that you’re just not happy with what you’re doing. Complaining is an easy way to make it feel like you’ve gotten it off your chest, but we’re most likely to complain about things we believe are out of our control. The next time you start complaining about something, think about what you can do to fix that situation for yourself.

3. You don’t take the time to feed your mind.

I’m not exactly saying that you should be on the cutting edge of everything happening in the world, but take some time to give your brain a little bit of food. Learn a word in a new language. Read a book for fun. Sign up for a word-of-the-day email newsletter. Read a random wikipedia article every day. Just keep your brain stimulated and active.

4. You feel negatively about your life.

This one’s pretty clear, and it ties in with complaining. If you don’t like the person you see in the mirror, if you don’t like your job, if you’re unhappy with your marriage, if you hate where you live, CHANGE IT.

5. Things are just uninspiring for you.

I’m not saying you need to feel inspired every minute of the day, but if you feel dull and uninspired overall, it may be an indication that you’re not living fully in some way. As Charles Bukowski once wrote:
“My dear,
Find what you love and let it kill you.
Let it drain you of your all.
Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness.
Let it kill you and let it devour your remains.
For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly,
but it’s much better to be killed by a lover.”

6. You have no goals or plans for the future.

Live isn’t just about moving forward and making progress, but especially if you’re young and feeling restless, not having goals can negatively impact your spirit overall. Make some small goals for yourself. Then maybe make some big goals for yourself. Figure out what it is exactly that you want to do.

7. The people around you don’t challenge you or help you grow.

It’s not the responsibility of your friends to push you harder and help you discover your true self, but it doesn’t hurt to have a few people in your life that match the intensity you’d like to achieve.

8. You spend money on things that don’t really matter that much.

Are you constantly spending money on things that don’t really matter all that much? New video games, new TVs, new cars, new computers, new everything? It could be that you just like new stuff I guess, but for me, it’s always been an indication that I’m trying to find fulfillment through things.

9. You don’t let yourself sleep enough.

This was always the worst for me. I’d stay up so late doing some variation of #1 because I didn’t want to get up and do it all over again. I’d feel like crap, get home from work, not want to go out and experience the world, and pretty much lurch my way through the remainder of this list. But I broke myself of it. The question is, will you?

How To Begin Rebuilding Your Life And Make It Ridiculously Amazing

“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” ~ Joseph Addison
What if one day you woke up and decided that you were tired of feeling tired and that you had enough of everything? Enough of stress and anxiety, enough of anger and resentment, enough of struggle, lack, pain and poverty, enough of tears, heartbreaks, self destructive thoughts, behaviors and relationships and enough of all that is negative and toxic? What if you decided that you wanted to change yourself and your life but didn’t know where exactly to start, what then?
There are many things you can do to begin rebuilding your life and make it ridiculously amazing and today I will share with you 12 things that are meant to help you do just that. Are you ready? Let’s begin:

1. Make a commitment to yourself

I (name),
Make a commitment to myself,
To spend so much time improving myself and my life that I have no time for worry,  judgement, criticism, whining and complaining;
To forgive, release and let go of my attachment to any past struggles and allow every challenge life sends my way to make me better not bitter.
Starting now, I make a commitment to let go of what’s behind me and start appreciating what’s in front of me;
To let go of all the pointless drama, all the toxic relationships, thoughts and behaviors that are present in my life and to constantly shift my focus from the bad on to the good;
To make room in my heart for love, happiness, peace and tranquility and to create my life from a place of infinite choices and possibilities – the present moment, and no longer from a place of limitations – the past.
I commit to staying true to myself at all times and to never betray myself just so I can please other people.
I commit myself to give up on toxic thought, behaviors and relationships but never on myself and my dreams.
Starting now and starting today, I will  begin rebuilding my life and to make it ridiculously amazing.
Once you truly commit to rebuilding your life and making it ridiculously amazing, nothing and no one will be able to stand in your way.

2. Forgive, release and let go of past hurts and resentments

Fill your heart with love. Forgive, release and let go. Not necessary because those who mistreated you deserve it, but because you do. Let forgiveness liberate you from your past. Allow it to take away all the resentment you kept in heart for all this time and allow yourself to fill in that empty space with love, inner peace and compassion.
If others mistreated you in the past it doesn’t mean you have to continue their work. Look how beautiful Mark Twain talks about this: “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”
Release and let go of all the negativity from your life. Start small and trust that as you work on letting go of all the extra baggage that is weighting you down, you will begin to feel lighter and you will gain a lot more clarity over your life. You will feel happier and more at peace with yourself and the world around you.

3. Embrace with grace all that you face

Shift your focus from the bad on to the good, from the pain on to the gain, from resentment on to the forgiveness, gratitude and appreciation. Learn to embrace with grace all that you face.
Appreciate everything life sends your way, whether good or bad and know that “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie

4. Visualize your achievements and create your destiny

Ask yourself the same question I asked myself a few years ago when I decided to let go of my attachment to my past and begin rebuild my whole life: “If there were no limits to what I can do, be and have, how would my life look like?”
Let your imagination run wild. Dare to dream big. Don’t settle for less than you are worth.
The richer your imagination, the more beautiful your life will be.
“The power of imagination is incredible. Often we see athletes achieving unbelievable results and wonder how they did it. One of the tools they use is visualization or mental imagery… they made the choice to create their destinies and visualized their achievements before they ultimately succeeded.” ~ George Kohlrieser
See in your mind’s eye the life you would love to live, the person you would love to become and the relationships you would want to have. Live your life from the end and act as if all of the things you need and desire are already present in your life. Feel the feelings that come from having all those wonderful things happen to you and allow those feelings to be with you at all times.

5. Dreams won’t work unless you do

Act upon your heart’s desire. Do the things you need to do in order to get where you want to get. Read the books you need to read, contact the people you need to contact, build the skills you need to build.
Find a mentor. Dare to ask questions. Do whatever it takes to move yourself closer to making your dreams come true.
Trust that with every step you take, your life situation will improve and you will become even more happier than you already are.

6. Take one step at a time

Because of the many years of past conditioning and the intense training you have in holding on to toxic thoughts, behaviors and unhealthy relationships, giving up on all that is toxic in your life won’t be easy and it won’t happen overnight. Chances are that you won’t see major improvements in your life immediately, and that’s okay. Be patient and gentle with yourself while working on rebuilding your life and remember to enjoy the journey.
“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” ~ Greg Anderson
Take one step at a time and keep in mind that a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.

7. Develop a deep trust in life

You have to have faith. You have to have trust… Trust in yourself, trust in the people you interact with and trust in life.
Put your fears aside. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Develop a deep trust in the wisdom of life. “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~ Matthew 17:20

8. Give yourself permission to “fail”

Give yourself permission to “fail” and make “mistakes”.
Trust me when I tell you that in every “mistake” there is a lesson to learn, lesson that will be very beneficial to you as you continue walking on your life’s chosen path.
“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they’re necessary to reach the places we’ve chosen to go.” ~ Richard Bach

9. Be good to yourself

Love yourself and be good to yourself because if you do, the world around you will start mirroring your behavior. Take good care of your mind, body, heart and soul. Exercise, drink plenty of water, eat healthy and delicious food.
Nurture good thoughts. Act in compassionate and loving ways, towards yourself and the world around you. Spend time alone, spending at least 5 to 10 minutes per day in silence would make you help make you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and renewed.
Go outside. Spend some time in nature. Look at the plants, the sky, the stars, the moon and the trees. Celebrate the miracle of life.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein

10. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations

Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling.  They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves.
Never get your sense of worth from outside yourself.  Your worth comes from inside yourself and not from forces outside yourself – people, events, material possessions. Don’t ever let other people tell you how much you’re worth, decide for yourself. It’s called self worth not others worth.
You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.

11. Discipline your mind to stay present in the NOW

Learn to be present and engaged in the present moment. Be happy with what you have, what you know and who you are right now. Don’t allow your mind to trick you into thinking that you won’t be happy until you get where you want to get.
Appreciate what’s in front of you. If you learn how to be present and engaged in the NOW, you will live a very happy and content life and no matter how many challenges life will send your way, you will become a better not bitter person.
“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love – even the most simple action.” ~ Eckhart Tolle,

12. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people

Surround yourself with positive, cheerful, supportive and loving people. People who can lift you up when you are feeling down; people who will turn on the light for you when you are in the dark; people who can see you for what you truly are and who you can truly become. Take the advice of Mark Twain and “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
You need positive and loving friends who will support you in your new way of life…
Commit yourself to making the best of everything life sends your way. Be soft and flexible. Go with the flow of life and no longer against it.
Enjoy the ride and no matter what happens to you and no matter how many challenges and difficult people life might send your way, know that they are all there to help you grow and evolve into the beautiful being you so much want and deserve to be.
You only have one life to live. Make it a memorable one.
Give up on all the toxicity present in your life but never on yourself and your dreams, ok?
“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” ~ Don Williams Jr.

15 Damaging Myths About Life We Should All Stop Believing

1. There is a single definition of success.
And it involves an established career, large house, acceptable body shape, marriage and annual holidays.
Everyone has their own path to walk in this life, and what brings true meaning and deep fulfillment differs for all of us.
Let go of your need to fit to the status quo. Live, work, date, play, create, travel, eat, drink, move, laugh and sing in ways that feel right with your soul. That is true success.
2. Life is meant to be hard work.
Life is meant to be easy, beautiful and overflowing with moments of joy and bliss.
The more you listen to your soul and build a life that's true to you, the more your actions will feel completely natural and effortless.
If life is a constant struggle, you're running on empty and you dread Mondays, it's time to take an honest look at your life -- in a loving way.
3. Life happens to us.
Where you are now is a result of the choices you made in the past. Where you will be in the future is a result of the choices you are making right now.
You are an active participant in the creation of your life. So embrace your power as a creator, and start choosing thoughts, words and actions that make a positive impact and will come back to you in a million magnificent, beautiful, jaw-dropping ways.
4. There is such a thing as normal, and we should measure ourselves against it.
There is no such thing as a normal human, but there is such a thing as a "normal" you -- where you're completely yourself, you love yourself deeply and you think and act in ways that feel aligned with your soul.
Let your internal compass be your only point of reference.
5. There is an "us" and a "them."
We draw a line around our social and family circles, keeping out everyone who doesn't fit neatly within our definition of normal, interesting or worthwhile.
While everyone has vastly different aptitudes, passions and quirks, everyone also has the same light within them. The light within you is the same light within me, within the stranger on the bus, and within anyone you consider your enemy.
6. We have to compete for limited resources.
Life is meant to be abundant and limitless. We create scarcity by believing in it, instead of focusing our efforts on creating, giving and contributing our gift to help humankind reach its highest potential.
Relax and feel it deep within your heart that you will always be provided for.
7. Happiness comes from external things.
We pin our happiness on external things like our appearance, bank balance, job title, travel plans, possessions and the opinions of others -- and then suffer as a result.
True, sustainable happiness comes from within -- by cultivating a mindset based on gratitude, mindfulness and acceptance.
8. Holding grudges is a natural part of life.
When we feel that someone has "wronged" us, we cling to the memory and carry it around with us for weeks or sometimes years. What we fail to realize is that we are holding ourselves hostage, not just the perceived wrong-doer.
The Buddha once said, "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
Make forgiveness your new motto and see how much freer and lighter your soul feels.
9. There is something wrong with us.
We are plagued by feelings of inadequateness and worthlessness, postponing self-acceptance and self-love until a day in the future when we're thinner, wealthier, more confident and more popular.
You are perfect and complete exactly as you are. Even when you are striving to improve and grow, you are complete. As the Buddhist saying goes, "We are all perfect as we are, and we could all use a little work."
10. It matters what other people think of us.
We give away so much of our energy, power and inner peace by worrying about what others think of us.
The truth is we can't ever know for certain what other people are thinking about us. So when your ego starts to fill you with doubt and fear, remember it's a fictional story.
11. We see things how they really are.
How we experience the world is heavily influenced by our beliefs and past experiences.
Our subconscious mind chooses pieces of information to serve to our conscious mind based on what we've programmed it to look for. Identify your dominant beliefs and replace the ones that aren't serving you.
12. Meditation is something people do on a cushion at sunrise.
You can meditate and be mindful all throughout the day as you go about your life.
Pause and feel the weight of your body in your seat, the feeling of the fabric against your skin, and the slight sensation of the air on your face.
Take a few deep breaths and let your whole being relax. Scan your body up and down for sensations, simply observing, without making any judgments.
13. When we give something, we lose something.
Giving and receiving are one in truth. When you give to someone with no strings attached -- whether it be a physical gift, a compliment or your time -- you are nourished as well as the receiver.
Not only do you experience sensations of satisfaction and joy, but your karma will bring more blessings and gifts back into your life.
14. We have to logically figure everything out.
We've been taught to trust our minds but not our intuition or inner voice of guidance.
When you're grappling with a problem or lacking clarity, learn to lean into your soul and trust the wisdom it provides to you -- often in the form of a gut feeling, serendipitous sign or a spontaneous "aha!" moment.
15. We need to be more realistic.
Many people think that daily happiness and joy is an unrealistic goal, and we should be more realistic.
Happiness is THE ultimate goal of our lives, and it is both worthwhile and attainable.
Understand your purpose is to blossom into the highest, happiest version of you and let go of any guilt you feel for making your happiness a priority.